I'm pretty much a head for the show I must say. Splashy--new vocab (for me anyway). Cat fights--though low-grade (like the Wu-Tang alludes to in
Forever - clean out your mentals - desires for negativity. I do try y'all.) Fashions--June does her thing. What's not to like? And oh yeah, those brothers are tenderonis. Who can front on them? "Not I," said the fly lady blogger who goes by the name of Sha-Rock if you NASTY! LOL!
But seriously folks.
I do want to also say happy new year to all. I've been enjoying a few events thus far. Not much. Just the usual: gallery openings, appetizers and dessert @ the chic and quaint spots. I'm working a Macy's event -- fashion fun at the end of March. Prior to, I'll be @ the Auburn Avenue Research Library for a lecture on the Venus Hottentot. For all those who love Shomberg flavor--this ATL African-American research library is in that vein.
Obama. Well, I am truly elated. Not much else can be said.
He just earmarked $50 million supposedly for the arts in addition to bailing out other industries. Go! draft 9:10:00 AM by Shakira Hightower Delete
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